Prospective Tenants & Criminal Records
The HUD has interpreted the Fair Housing Act and set up guidelines for screening prospective tenant applications. If your association has a

How to conduct a healthy, happy, and harmonious board meeting
In order to run an effective board meeting the board needs a plan and a clear purpose. Efficiency is key and creating a plan and sticking...

Tips for collecting delinquent HOA fees
Non-payment of HOA fees can be quite the nightmare. Failure to recover HOA fees is not only detrimental to the HOAs budget but it can...

HOAs vs. Condo Associations
The main difference between an HOA and a Condominium Association is ownership. In an HOA the homeowner owns the lot and the HOA owns the...

What is a Homeowners' Association?
A Homeowners' Association (HOA) is an organization that makes and enforces rules within its jurisdiction. The HOA is formed by planned...